Virtual tour:
1) A lot of sandwitchs (for 100 enlister) and party dishes.
Note: These represent just the tip of the iceberg. But, they completely-disappeared within 20 minutes....:)
2) A lot of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS CDs (From LoCo kit, thanks Canonical!) with *pretty* stuffed Tahr and Unicorn (owner: Shibata Mitsuya).
3) Terazono Junya with LipoD(Lipovitan D, Japanese popular energy drink).
4) Large screen (very nice, thanks GREE!)
5) Retrospective by Jun. Ubuntu Japanese Team create "Ubuntu Japanese Remix" for a long time (about 8years), He is great leader.
6) Seminar by Tokura Aya (Microsoft). She is evangelist/image character of Microsoft Azure/Cloud in Japan.
7) Seminar by Shiobara Hiroaki(GMO Internet). He escort "Mikumo-Conoha", the macot fay of "ConoHa" (CMO's Cloud service).
8) Seminar by Yokota Masatoshi(Sakura Internet), He and Mr. Shiobara starts a verbal battle like Wrestling Entertainment (Its entertainment. They keep friendliness and respets, but thats engage in a heated debate. I Know, they give the right hand of fellowship after sessions. :) ).
One of sessions theme are "Retrospective", overview for 10 years of ubuntu.
- "Ubuntu and Me, a certain ubuntu user's voice" by Terazono Junya (indivisual, but he is famous planetary informatics scientist, a.k.a. "Hayabusa project's PR expert with LipoD" ).
- "Retrospective last 10 years" by Kobayashi Jun (Ubuntu Japanese Team)
Another seminar sessions focused "VPS and Cloud production environment with Ubuntu", line-up as follows.
- "Ubuntu + Microsoft Azure, Quickguide before a you use Azure" by Tokura Aya, a.k.a. "Cloudia Madobe" (Microsoft Corporation).
- "Ubuntu on Microsoft Azure" by Tsumura Akira (Japan Azure User Group)
- "GMO Cloud with Ubuntu 14.04" by Shiobara Hiroaki (GMO Internet)
- "Using Ubuntu on Sakura's VPS/Cloud" by Yokota Masatoshi (Sakura Internet)
- "Using Juju for your Ubuntu environment" by Matsumoto Takenori (Canonical)
Yes, they are awesome presenters(thanks!), they distribute Ubuntu environment as a Cloud/VPS operator. We can use Ubuntu on there VPS/Cloud service with your one-click operation. Excellent!
And, You can check an another report on ( by Terauchi Yasuyuki (in Japanese), that sponsored by GIHYO.
In closing, I would like to thank you all for convention. Thanks a lot!
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